Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Picture of the Day: "Death on the Horizon"


  1. Brian, HDR? A friend of mine does these, too. We've got a few featured here: PittBriefly.com/shop . Is this the same sort of thing?

    Great picture.

  2. Actually, yes, this would be considered an HDR image. However, I used a very unsophisticated method. I quite literally took the same shot twice (as close as I could get it), cropped the black section off of one and the white part off of the other and then merged them together. I then used some basic airbrush, blur, and mirror tools around the seam to blend the images.

    The HDR images your photographer produces are done with very advanced equipment and software that allows him to take multiple (usually 4-6) of the EXACT same shot but at different exposures without repositioning or changing settings on his camera. He then most likely merges the photos together (He probably doesn't crop them) using picture editing software that I either do not have access to or do not know how to use, lol.
